In Memory of





Condolence From: Jessica Killoran
Condolence: Robert, you were amazing and I remember graduating from Sacred with you. Your family is always in my heart. <3
Monday April 08, 2013
Condolence From: Denny Dubbleatyne and Family
Condolence: Cherished memories together through hockey...Never will this warm hearted family ever be forgotten ! David may you reach you will be so Loved and may peace fall upon your heart... (Hugs...Marilyn)
Thursday April 04, 2013
Condolence From: Thomas Quigg
Condolence: Condolences to your family on the loss of your loved ones.May got bless you all.
Thursday April 04, 2013
Condolence From: Debbie King-Sharman
Condolence: Rest in peace sweet Robert. It was my pleasure car pooling with you to hockey through the years. Your family was so good to our family. Troy and Alex and I will always look back fondly on the laughs we had during those many drives. You were a kind, intelligent, thoughtful young man. I'll never forget how polite you were when the other guys were listening to their Ipods in the car on the way home from practice, but you had forgotten yours and so I tried to lend you mine and although you probably really didn't want it - you took it and you listened to my music because you were too polite to say no haha. Troy was laughing at you. You and your family will be so terribly missed by all that knew you. My heartfelt thoughts and prayers are now with David and all of the Yorke and Dunsmuir families. David, if there is absolutely anything that we might be able to do to be of help please reach out to us. God bless you
Wednesday April 03, 2013
Condolence From: The Betts Family
Condolence: Robert, you touched so many people in your short time spent here, on the ice and off, young and old. You are a truly exceptional young man it has been our honor to get to know . Until we meet again. Rest in his loving arms.
Wednesday April 03, 2013
Condolence From: Tarra Pettifer
Condolence: RIP Robert and to your whole family - makes me cry you all were so young and kind hearted. Did not deserve this. I did not know you - but it breaks my heart knowing that you and your family are gone and the tragedy you went through. Based on all the tweets and Facebook posts I can tell what a great guy you were - and how amazing your family was. I hope you and your brother can still party it up there in heaven.. will always be thinking about you guys RIP MY MAN - LOVE <3
Tuesday April 02, 2013
Condolence From: Evan Creek & Bianca Creek
Condolence: Remembering fondly my friend Robert from our CGMA days. Keeping your brother, David, in our prayers.
Tuesday April 02, 2013
Condolence From: Alessandra Romano
Condolence: Dunsy, i can't even believe it. When i heard the news about the fire I knew it was your street but I didn't wanna believe it was your house, shouldn't have been your family. You were all the most kind, generous, welcoming and loving family. I don't know one person that could ever say one bad thing about you, you were an amazing guy and you touched the lives of a lot of people. I'm so grateful i had the opportunity to get to know you, have those life long chats you always seemed to be the best at and you always gave the best advice. You were always smiling and we are all going to miss seeing that smile around. You will never be forgotten and will always be in our hearts. You were the type of guy most people wanted to be since you were such a well rounded person, friends with so many people and always genuinely nice. Your life was taken way too quickly and i will never understand why. My deepest condolences to your brother David and I hope he has the support and love from friends and family to help him through this time and may you all rest in peace and watch over your brother. I'll miss you Robert. I wish i could have said goodbye. Rest in peace handsome. xoxox
Tuesday April 02, 2013
Condolence From: Sara Csizik
Condolence: Dunsy, where to even begin. Hearing the tragic news was heartbreaking for many. You were an amazing guy and had one of the nicest families who always welcomed so many people into their home. You have inspired many to be better people and to follow in your footsteps. I will never forget things like second period spare when wed all drive around in your car while you and Uzi blasted house music, or how excited you were planning your promposal and practicing it, or during the cab ride back to our hotel after veld where you sang tokyo drift the whole way and we had to put all our loose change together just to pay for that cab. You and your family were so generous whether it was having all our friends over, David driving me home after your parties so I wouldnt have to pay for a cab or Cameron saying hi to me whenever I saw him. You will all be missed so much! Rest In Peace.
Tuesday April 02, 2013
Condolence From: troy sharman
Condolence: To my goalie , best pal , teammate, and inspiration . Cant put into words how much of a blast spending 4 years of lacing them up with you were . I mean you had one of the best sense of humour around , its gonna be a tough reality check trying to get over the fact your gone but what i am learning as i go is to appreciate the bond and what we had as friends.When i am contemplating quitting something either school or whatever it is im going to think of you and how much of a worth ethic you had. Love you pal , Till the day i see you again in my heart is where i'll keep you friend
Tuesday April 02, 2013
Condolence From: Zach Pease
Condolence: R.I.P. Robert. Was an honour to play with you!
Tuesday April 02, 2013
Condolence From: maryann kuyten-thomas
Condolence: To live in so many hearts that you leave behind Robert is not to have gone. Love MaryAnn, Carey, Makayla and Cristian
Monday April 01, 2013
Condolence From: The Pardetti's
Condolence: Robert, you touched so many lives in such a special way. You will always be remembered in our thoughts and our hearts. Until we meet again, Rest in Peace. xo
Monday April 01, 2013