Merlene Samuel
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Roadhouse & Rose Funeral Home
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Condolence From: Loraine Jansen
Condolence: My heartfelt condolences to the family on the loss of Merlene. My daughter took her very first dance steps at the age of 3 with Merlene. She danced most of her childhood at Merlenes studio. Merlene was such a positive role model. Her kindness, generousity and compassion will never be forgotten. A beautiful woman with a huge heart.
May the beautiful memories that Merlene has left you with bring you so much comfort.
Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
Loraine Jansen
Saturday November 14, 2015
Condolence From: Lena Sterling
Condolence: Our sincerest condolences for your great loss.
We know first hand the positive influence Merlene had with so many young people as they gained personal confidence and a growing awareness of the talents with which they were gifted. Merlene lives on through the lives of many.
Our prayers are with you as you grieve her death.
Henry & Lena Sterling and family
Friday November 13, 2015
Condolence From: John and Betty Williamson
Condolence: Our family is so sorry to hear of Merlene's passing. Merlene and our daughter Robin became friends at Sunnybrook Hospital where they were both having chemo treatments last September We were amazed that Merlene walked the 5km Terry Fox Run this past September as part of "Robin's Sidekicks" the team that was formed before our daughter's death in July even though she was not well herself at that time
Tuesday November 10, 2015
Condolence From: Kim Lynch
Condolence: With a heavy heart I send our condolences to you Janny, Myles and Quincie. Merlene was so special in so many different ways for my family, a role model for my girls and a terrific friend to both Tom and I.
I will love and miss her forever.
Your friends always,
Kim, Tom, Jordan, Kori and Skylar
Tuesday November 10, 2015
Condolence From: Cathy
Condolence: What a wonderful, positive lady that I am proud to know. Through the years, when we re-connected through Life stuff,, through sadness you always had that smile. Even in the last month when Myles was dropped at my work, you always waved your arms out the door to say hi...every day. Even though you were sick...I never knew. May we all be as brave, gentle and positive as you. So sad ...but you surely must be the happiest, colourful flower in gods garden. I will miss you....we all will. You were amazing.... The Madden family... God bless.
Saturday November 07, 2015
Condolence From: Tarulli Family
Condolence: Our deepest condolences to you Myles and your family. Your mom always had a warm smile.
Saturday November 07, 2015
Condolence From: Liz Blight
Condolence: Merlene will be missed by many. My condolences to her family. I will always see her warm smile and twinkling eyes also. There are no words but we shall all miss her too.
Friday November 06, 2015
Condolence From: Ruth Ann, Santo, Marco, Jack and Adrian
Condolence: From the moment we moved to Newmarket 14 years ago, Merlene, Jan and Myles have been family to us. Then Quincie joined in and we finally had a little girl amongst all those boys! Merlene is my kids' second mum and always will be. Driving through town, we see Merlene everywhere - she touched every part of our world and so many other people's worlds. A true gift from God, her presence will be ever felt. We love you and will keep our "Luciphas" family bond forever, just as Merlene wanted.
Friday November 06, 2015
Condolence From: Carolyn Bornstein
Condolence: Dear Jan, Myles and Quincy,
Our hearts and prayers go out to you at this very difficult time. You must know how much Merlene/Mom was loved and treasured by everyone who knew her. She brought life and drama and dance and theatre into our family in a way that we will never forget. Her impact was loving, supportive and extremely appreciated. We are extremely grateful for all that she gave us. She will be forever in our hearts and truly missed. Please know we feel your pain and you have our support and thanks. The Bornstein Family
Friday November 06, 2015

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