Memorial Candle Tribute From
Roadhouse & Rose Funeral Home
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
thinking of you in your time of sorrow, janet atkinson and family
"we left a candle burning in memory of your mother, we know you have many friends"
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Condolence From: Jacqueline Wallington
Condolence: Dan,Lise and Family
I only learned of your recent loss today and just wanted to let you know my thoughts and prayers are with you all. I only met Marielle a couple of times but knew she was a special lady.
Thursday March 13, 2008
Condolence From: Marla Thibault
Condolence: Dan,Lise,Chantal,Nicholas,Justin,Luc,

I never met your mom and grandma, but I do know how much time and love was given to her, especially in the last year and a half. She must have been a special lady, she was definately a lucky one to have so much love around her. I'm sorry for your loss, but please take comfort in knowing you were all there for her.

Love Marla and Rene
Friday March 07, 2008
Condolence From: Colleen Keats
Condolence: Claude, Dan & family. Having known your mother for a short period in her lifetime, I was fortunate to share her passion for beading. Her deep desire to design that perfect necklace. This late in life craft was remarkable and demonstrated her desire to live her life to the fullest. Our chats always included how much she loved her children and grandchildren and her strong faith in God. I know she is at peace and with him now. Colleen
Thursday March 06, 2008
Condolence From: Kim Wright
Condolence: On behalf of my mother, Mrs. Dolores (Huard) Wright and Mrs. Wivine (Belanger) Bruneau, we wish to express our deepest sympathy in your lost. Your mother has always been dear to us and will be sadly missed. Claude, Daniel and family you will be in our prayers.
Wednesday March 05, 2008
Condolence From: Larry, Mary-Ann and Tyler Nakeff
Condolence: Dear Dan, Lise, Chantal, Nicholas, Justin and Luc,
We are so sorry to hear of your loss, We all had the pleasure of meeting your Mother/Grandmother briefly at your New Years Party's and we enjoyed her company, it was apparent she was very much loved by you all. Please know we are thinking of you all at this sad time, and take some comfort knowing our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Your friends always.....
Larry, Mary-Ann and Tyler xoxox
Wednesday March 05, 2008
Condolence From: Sue McInnis
Condolence: Our deepest sympathy. Mrs. Carriere was one special lady and a good friend to our mom. They'll be able to "chat" together now!!

McInnis family
Wednesday March 05, 2008
Condolence From: Victor Mathieu & Rejeanne (Chenier) Mathieu
Condolence: Our sincere sympathy to you Claude and Daniel and your families. Wish we could attend Funeral Mass in Sudbury, however, it is not possible because we live in Timmins and Rejeanne has an appointment in Sudbury on the following week to have her pacemaker replaced. Your mother was our teacher in grades 3 and 4 in 1950-51. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.
Tuesday March 04, 2008
Condolence From: Claire(Monaghan) Lafrance
Condolence: Sincere sympathy to the family. Have many fond childhood memories of "Matante Marielle" spending many times at our home & our visit to Gogama with the Gervais family.What fun we had in the store, especially the candy section.
Our sympathy from the Monaghan family
Tuesday March 04, 2008
Condolence From: Phyllis & Natalie Gaudette
Condolence: Deepest sympathy,
Phyllis and Natalie Gaudette,
Friends from Gogama.
Tuesday March 04, 2008
Condolence: Chers Lise et Daniel, il existe plusieurs façons d'exprimer ses condoléances; une mort, c'est toujours triste, elle est si finale. Nous voulons tout simplement vous offrir nos vœux sincères de sympathies.
Tuesday March 04, 2008
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